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      廣州市 | 本科 | 1年以下

      招聘人數:1 人

      關鍵職責:1. 負責學校各類宣傳策劃文案的撰寫和編輯,如微博、小紅書、視頻號等平臺的內容輸出,根據學校營銷策略,策劃創意,撰寫文案,發布高質量內容,提供學校知名度和用戶粘性;2. 負責項目各類對外宣傳軟文擬寫,大型活動軟文宣傳擬寫、公眾號推文擬寫、排版設計;3. 捕捉行業行業熱點,編輯產出優質內容,通過有效運營手段提升學校平排知名度和品牌形象;4. 協助進行資源分析與市場調研,對市場推廣數據和信息進行匯總、整理、分析并及時跟進反饋,提出創新方法,撰寫相關專項報告;5. 協助市場部尋找和開拓有效推廣渠道,進行學校品牌對外宣傳、咨詢及合作,加強與目標客戶的聯系溝通,提高學校品牌知名度;6. 協助完成各項市場外部活動和學校內部活動的策劃、籌備、實施和運作;包括但不限于:統籌和開展每周的家長宣講會或者家長工作坊活動制定活動執行流程和進度表,協調各部門執行活動分項;活動物資的整理與準備,活動前和活動現場的人員安排與事項跟進;7. 按規定完成上級領導交辦的其他工作任務。任職要求:1. 本科學歷, 設計, 新聞,中文,英語相關專業, 有廣告公司或自媒體相關工作經驗者優先考慮;2. 2年以上文案撰寫經驗以上(微信公眾號,微博等), 熟悉網絡化表達方式;3. 中英文文案寫作能力優秀,英語口語熟練,能流利進行英語交流對話;4. 以服務為導向,能夠快速學習,動手能力強,做事積極,注重細節;5. 具有優秀的溝通和人際交往能力,結合團隊精神與跨文化意識;6. 有敏銳的洞察力和判斷能力,能夠迅速應對處理突發事件。

      學歷要求:本科 工作經驗:1年以下
      年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
      公司性質:其它 公司規模:100-499人

      ISA International School- Science City, will be a premium international K-12 day and boarding school servicing the diverse needs of families. We will be a school committed to outstanding learning opportunities, delivered in an international learning environment in China. This environment will ensure that access to curriculum and additional programmes is provided to all enrolled students and that these offerings are globally recognised, supporting international mobility. By fusing international and Chinese educational thinking, practices and traditions, ISASC will create a new model of high-quality education which prepares students for life-long learning, and a rich and self-fulfilling future. Our beliefs shape the way we function as a school. We expect all staff to have the following qualities: A clear passion for children and working with them A commitment to a child’s education beyond the classroomProactively integrating cultural diversity in the workplaceTreating all members of our school community with respect, honesty and integrityISA Science City Vision StatementTo be the acknowledged leader of excellence in international education.ISA Science City Mission StatementWe commit to providing outstanding learning opportunities, through an environment of mutual respect, transparency and engagement.A Balanced ISA Education EmphasisesA Holistic Approach: We focus on the ‘whole child’- intellectual, physical, emotional and social development.Lifelong Learning: We focus on student motivation, individual differences, learner-centered approaches, metacognition and student well-being.Global Mindedness and Connections: We focus on learning English, Chinese and Mother-tongue languages, appreciating the values beneath cultures of others.Building of Community: We focus on positive relationships between the school and parents ensuring as close an alignment as possible between the values of parents and the strategic intent and operation of the school.