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      1對1學習輔導老師/1:1 Learning Support




      杭州市 | 本科 | 1年以下

      招聘人數:1 人

      工作職責:杭州校區現需招聘1名1對1學習輔導老師,主要幫助有需要的學生,進行一對一的學習輔導工作,具體詳見下方英文工作職責。崗位要求:1.本科及以上學歷,教育學或心理學相關專業;2.有2年及以上學生輔導經驗;3.有特殊教育相關背景者優先;4.國際學校或雙語學校工作經驗者優先;福利待遇:1.帶薪寒暑假與中外節假日2.國際化工作環境,扁平化管理3.晉升空間KEY RESPONSIBILITIES?To aid the pupil to learn as effectively as possible by, for example:1.Clarifying and explaining instructions.2.Ensuring the pupil is able to use equipment and materials provided.3.Motivating and encouraging the pupil as required by providing levels of individual attention, reassurance and help with learning tasks as appropriate to pupils’ needs.4.Reinforcing behavioural expectations in line with the school’s behaviour policy.5.Consistently and effectively implementing agreed behaviour management strategies.6.Using praise, commentary and assistance to encourage the pupil to concentrate and stay on task.7.Liaising with class teacher, SENCO and other professionals about Pupil Passports (PPs), contributing to the planning and delivery as appropriate.8.Providing additional nurture to individuals when requested by the class teacher or SENCO.9.Helping to make appropriate resources to support the pupil.?To establish supportive relationships with the pupil concerned.?Monitor the pupil’s response to the learning activities and, where appropriate, modify or adapt the activities as agreed with the teacher to achieve the intended learning outcomes.?To record any behavioural incidents (ABC chart) and report them as necessary. ?Work with teachers and members of the SEND department to develop and implement strategies to support the child. ?To give positive encouragement, feedback and praise to reinforce and sustain the pupil’s efforts and develop self-reliance and self-esteem.?To support the pupil in developing social skills both in and out of the classroom.?To provide regular feedback on the pupil’s learning and behaviour to the teacher/SENCO, including feedback on the effectiveness of the behaviour strategies adopted.?Under the direction of the teacher, carry out and report on systematic observations of pupils to gather evidence of their knowledge, understanding and skills upon which the teacher makes judgements about their stage of development.?To know and apply school policies on Child Protection, Health and Safety, Behaviour, Teaching and Learning, Equal Opportunities, etc.?Where appropriate to develop a relationship to foster ****s between home and school, and to keep the school informed of relevant information.?To be aware of confidential issues ****ed to home/pupil/teacher/school and to keep these confidential.?To contribute towards reviews of the pupil’s progress as appropriate.?To comply with legal and organisational requirements for maintaining the health, safety and security of yourself and others in the learning environment.?To take part in training activities offered by the school to further knowledge and skills of working with a child with specific learning difficulties.?To accompany teacher and pupils on educational visits.?To provide individual support, as required, during examination sessions (if trained).?To effectively communicate with the child’s parents to inform them of any incidents that may have happened that day.

      學歷要求:本科 工作經驗:1年以下
      年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
      公司性質:其它 公司規模:100-499人

      杭州惠立學校坐落于杭州市蕭山區科技城,是惠靈頓中國集團旗下的雙語學校,包括惠立學校及惠立幼兒園。杭州校區成立于2018年,致力于在浙江省課程大綱基礎上,融合惠靈頓價值觀與特質,為2到18歲學生提供一流品質的雙語教育。實現惠立獨特的教育理念,充分激發學生的求知欲及對學習的熱忱。惠立學校將讓高品質的教育惠及家庭,以“愛”為源,以“德”為本,為社會培養符合時代需求的、秉承優良傳統價值觀并具有五大惠立特質的軟技能人才。 惠靈頓外籍子女學校杭州校區與杭州惠立學校共同建立于2018年,為從2至18歲的外籍子女提供優質的國際化教學。兩所學校共享同一校區。 更多信息請參見學校官網:惠立學校惠立幼兒園惠靈頓






