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      歐立騰中國(Alten China)





      歐立騰集團(ALTEN Group)于1988年成立于法國巴黎,經過30余年的發展,在全球30多個國家擁有超過42300名員工,為客戶提供汽車、通信與媒體、航空、工業、零售與消費、金融等行業的工程咨詢服務。 自2012年進入中國以來,歐立騰中國(ALTEN China)目前已在北京、上海、大連、重慶、廈門、深圳設立分公司,業務覆蓋全國30多個城市。歐立騰立足中國市場,為客戶在創新、研發、數字化轉型以及IT系統開發策略方面提供支持。業務模式靈活多樣,從技術咨詢到項目整包,既覆蓋整個開發周期,也提供不同層級的選擇。 “人力資本”、“工程文化”與“盈利&可持續增長” ,是歐立騰構建可持續發展戰略的三個著力點。十年來,我們積極幫助員工提升行業認知、掌握專業技能并充分發揮潛能,勇敢創新,追求夢想。 在歐立騰中國(ALTEN China),我們引入了法國總部成熟的技術管理團隊與技能人才培訓機制,希望通過靈活、公平的晉升機制,貫穿工作全流程的技能培訓,多樣化的技術項目機會,簡單和諧、包容有愛的職場環境、歐立騰工程師聯盟(ALTEN Engineers Alliance, AEA)與各種團建活動,幫助工程師無縫融入,在實現職業發展同時,也能在歐立騰收獲成長、友誼與快樂。As an engineering and technology consulting service provider, founded in 1988 in Paris, France, ALTEN Group now has more than 42,300 employees in over 30 countries, serving major clients in key sectors including Automotive, Communications & Media, Aerospace, Industrial, Retail & Consumer, and Finance for more than 30 years. Established in 2012, ALTEN China has expanded its projects into 30 cities across China, and offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, Chongqing, Xiamen and Shenzhen. Past 10 years, ALTEN Group has always stuck to the sustainable development concept of "Human capital development", ”Engineering culture”, ”Dynamic career and skills management” and help employees fully achieve their personal growth and career development through flexible & fair promotion mechanism, skills training, diversified technical project opportunities, simple and harmonious working environment and ALTEN Engineer Alliance (AEA). 了解歐立騰(ALTEN)更多相關信息,請關注:微信公眾號:AltenGroup知乎:歐立騰小紅書:AltenWomenBilibili: ALTEN歐立騰